Blog - Page 2
Goose Barnacles
Posted by Kerry-Lynn on Fri March 15, 2019.
On one of our latest hikes we stumbled upon a fascinating sight. Washed ashore...
Must-Visit Places Along the Oystercatcher Trail - Cassandra Dodd
Posted on Mon August 20, 2018.
Cassandra Dodd - Must-Visit Places Along the Oystercatcher Trail
Safarious Blog - Sue Segar
Posted on Mon May 28, 2018.
South Africa is blessed with some of the world’s best multi-day hiking trails, some of them wilderness hikes, others well serviced with comfortable huts, and some with semi-luxury accommodation to ease the aches and pains of a hard day’s hiking. Sue Segar does the Oystercatcher Trail - one of the trails to do before you die.
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